University of Earth & The Institute of Advanced Human Development

University of Earth Foundation Course:

EcoS 600 (course link below)
Our Greater Work: Fulfilling Your Soul Purpose & Higher Potentials 
(This course is open to anyone over 18 and also serves as our GRE, "Graduate Record Exam," for prospective graduate students)

University of Earth New Courses:

EcoS 601
The Rise of the Great Mother ~ The Return of the Sacred Feminine

 "If there is to be a future it will wear the crown of feminine design. ~Sri Aurobindo   

EcoS 602
Archetypes & Your Higher Self   


University of Earth Graduate Degrees:

Ecopsychology & Human Development

EcoSpirituality & Advanced Human Development

Cultural & Social Transformation (See IAHD below)

University of Earth Certification Programs:

EcoTherapy: Levels I-III

EcoEducation & Environmental Ethics
Environmental education for our changing times.

The Holotropic Way: Sacred Fire Breathwork Facilitator 

The Healthy EcoLiving ProjectHELP! Let Us Create a New World
~ EcoLife Practitioner 
~ EcoLife Coach
~ EcoSpiritual Life Coach


Institute of Advance Human Development New Courses:

"Humanity is not the last rung in terrestrial evolution. Evolution continues and man will be surpassed. It is for each person to know whether they want to
participate in the advent of this new species." 
~Mother Mirra Alfassa, Co-Founder of Auroville  

Sacred Activism: Practices for Personal & Planetary Transformation

The New Reformation ~ The Second Coming of Christ is You!  
"The works I do, shall you do also, and greater works shall you do..." ~Jesus

Spiritual Science & The Path of the Divine Human - Levels I-VII


The Institute of Advanced Human Development (IAHD)
University of Earth is now offering self-design graduate degrees through The Institute of Advanced Human Development. Recent destabilizing world events (2020), along with the increasing  likelihood of further shocks, has inspired University of Earth to launch the Institute of Advanced Human Development. Inspired by the call of Cultural Historian and priest Thomas Berry to reinvent both the human species and human society, IAHD embarks on an Avant Garde approach to education.

All self-designed graduate degrees are double majors with Advanced Human Development as its’ cornerstone. Without becoming a master of oneself, indicated by the mapped advanced stages of human development, an academic masters degree has little value to the world. Thomas Berry, PhD, tells us that people with graduate degrees, especially PhDs, have caused more destruction in the world than any others.

“Become the change you want to see in the world.”
~Mahatma Gandhi

Reinventing Society
The second major is directed to Thomas Berry, and others, call to reinvent the four central institutional pillars of society; education, economics, government & politics and religion. Students are asked to design a study program that will give them the knowledge and skills to contribute to the reinvention of one of these institutional pillars. Graduates may feel called to make changes within the current system, from the inside out, from the outside in, or to create something entirely new.

Islands of Sanity
Social Activist Patrick Geddes’ “Think global, act local" serves as a compass bearing for our reinvention projects as corruption of every manner is so habituated and systemic at the national levels, where international corporations dominate, our efforts are unlikely to be as fruitful. Creating local “Islands of Sanity” that can ripple out and impact our regions appears to be our most hopeful strategy for creating the necessary changes.  

Autotelic, Autodidactic & the Avant Garde
University of Earth and the Institute of Advanced Human Development is a community of the Avant Garde, the autodidactic, auotlectic personalities that are inspired to bring our gifts to the world for the creation of a new world.

Albert Einstein and Margaret Mead were among many extraordinarily talented self-learners, called autodidactics, who spoke up against the innumerable limitations of formal education. Many of the brightest minds in history were self-taught. Jane Goodall, famous Primatologist, Benjamin Franklin, inventor and US Constitutional author, Mary Anning, paleontologist who discovered dinosaurs, Gregor Mendel, the Father of Genetics, were all self-taught, all following their fascinations, the place where our genius resides.

Often our brightest and most creative minds leave conventional education to this day. Look at this stunning list of historic Autodidacts: Notable Autodidactics

Who is the autotelic, autodidactic personality? The autotelic person is one who is internally motivated, has a deep sense of purpose and curiosity. They are not motivated by comfort, money, power or fame. The autodidactic is the self-taught person. Individuals who are extremely curious, who choose the subject they will study, their studying material, and the rhythm and time of studying.  This describes the student of University of Earth.

Mentors not Professors
The Information/Digital Age with its’ Internet is putting an end to conventional education's authoritative model. While appropriate mentoring and guidance remain important to the educational process, unlimited easy access to information has changed the role of the teaching profession. At University of Earth we have replaced the authoritative and competitive model, still prevalent in traditional education, with a model featuring personal genius, cooperation, collaboration and shared knowledge.

Just as the age of the spiritual gurus has past, that is, those who held the knowledge of a particular tradition with unquestioned authority, we believe the same can be said for the age of the professors. While that modality may have been appropriate for its time, it is neither necessary nor appropriate in these times. And though, it is wise to respect and learn from those who are wise and have mastered a subject, at University of Earth we replace professors with mentors.

“When the dreams of the youth are not welcomed and nourished; when the wisdom of elders fails to develop, culture can unravel rather than cyclically renew itself.”
~Michael Meade


Mentors & Mentees – A Mutually Enhancing Relationship*
Mentors help form a bridge that allows genius to enter culture more fully and spirit to revitalize human community, even while helping to clarify the purpose and meaning in one’s own life. Genius fosters genius as both mentee and mentor awaken to a greater sense of meaning and purpose in life. Mentoring moves both the elder and younger folks further along the path of individuation and fulfillment.

The mentor does not have to set the course for the mentee to follow as much as help to keep things on course and aligned with the spirit of the young person. The mentor seeks to respond to the cultural and historical issues of the day. The mentoring relationship is a creative work in the sense that something is being born or fashioned that can alter the world. Mentoring is an art that brings otherworldly knowledge and inspiration to a situation that otherwise seems overwhelming, unjust, or even hopeless.

In mentoring, being authentically present is more important than appearing wise or all knowing. Mentoring involved a mutual seeing into the life of the other.

Mentoring seeks to reveal the natural genius of each young person, while also awakening the inner sage within. Innate talents and inherent ideas in young people expect to be activated and wait to be called upon. A mentor acts as a vessel through which a divine intelligence speaks and stirs the life spirit of young people in service to the mentee.

University of Earth and The Institute of Advanced Human Development are dedicated to this model of relationship in education.

*This mentoring information is adapted from Michael Meade’s The Genius Myth.