EcoPsychology, Spiritual Ecology & Human Development

Educational Methodology & Program Costs

Why Get a Degree at U of E?

Degree Program: MA/PhD

Curriculum Overview

36 Total Credits: MA

63 Total Credits: PhD

Core Curriculum* 33 credits
Elective Courses 12 credits
Life Service Credit  6 credits
Internship  6 credits
Masters/PhD Project 3 MA - 6 PhD

*Core Curriculum: 33 credits (Course Descriptions)

Satisfactory completion of this grouping of courses is considered the minimum necessary to attain mastery as a scholar-practitioner in the field of EcoPsychology, Spiritual Ecology & Human Development.

Each core course has designated core books. MA students are required to study at least the two core books. PhD are required to study at least the core books and one other book for a total of three book for each course.  In keeping with U of Earth's Love of Learning methodology, students may petition to substitute one designated reading with alternative course related readings.     

MA Program
Masters students are required to complete Levels I and II of the core curriculum (see below). Students have the option of completing Level III for the required 33 core credits or may complete 12 self-design elective credits. Additionally, MA students will complete a 3 credit Masters Project for bringing their unique gifts to the world along with a comprehensive exam for a total of 36 credits. 

PhD Program
Doctoral students are required to complete Levels I, II & III. In addition doctoral students will complete the elective courses, life service credits, internship as descrived below and PhD Project for bringing their unique gifts to the world along with a comprehensive exam for a total of 63 credits.

Elective Courses ~ Developing & Offering Our Gifts: 12 credits
This concentration of courses is considered the student's minor and is designed to give the student an opportunity to supplement their graduate program with thematic courses that they have a strong attraction toward. It is intended to complement the student's application of the core curriculum in some way. Each of us has particular gifts to offer through our work and this element of the degree is designed to facilitate the development of those particular gifts. These courses generally come from programs outside of U of Earth. Examples of thematic elective grouping include course study in permaculture, health, nutrition or the therapeutic application of art, dance, music, yoga, etc.

Students may want to emphasize specific training for their electives through programs such as Joanna Macy & Molly Brown's The Work That Reconnects, Bill Plotkin's Animus Valley Institute Soulcraft, Michael Cohen's Project Nature Connect or some other appropriate training.

Due to the varying costs for elective course credits outside of U of Earth, these course credits payable to U of Earth are negotiable.

Life Service Credit: 6 credits
This grouping of credits is awarded in honor of the value of the student's previous life experiences. Six credits are awarded for the student's participation in any activity, whether as a paid position or volunteer, that has contributed in some way to bettering their community or our planet.  Students and faculty will discuss and agree on what will fulfill this aspect of the curriculum.  Fulfillment of the Life Service Credit also requires the student to create their personal genogram (ancestral tree) and to begin writing their own personal autobiography, addressing specific developmental stages, utilizing a Narrative Therapy approach. (Prerequisite: EcoT 701)

Internship: 6 credits
The six credit internship is designed to allow students to apply their knowledge in a practical manner while offering community service. The internship will be creatively designed in a shared effort between the student and U of Earth faculty in order to provide the most valuable experience for the student. Students intending on creating a private practice as an EcoTherapist or EcoLife Coach will be required to commit to an agreed upon number of practicum hours under the supervision of a selected committee as part of their internship.

Master's or Phd Project: 3/6 credits

This aspect of the degree program is intended to help the student refine and polish the conceptualization and development of their soul gifts and develop a plan for delivering those gifts to the world. For students already offering their gifts to the world the project aspect provides an opportunity for deeper reflection and further refinement.

Course Descriptions

Certification Level I


Course  #

The Human & Our Sacred Living Universe: Orientation Course


EcoT 600

The Foundations of EcoPsychology: An Introduction


EcoT 601

The Essentials of EcoTherapy: An Introduction


EcoT 602

Certification Level II



Our Sacred Work: Discovering Your Life Purpose


EcoT 700

Nature & Psyche: Recovering the Soul


EcoT 701

The Natural History of Personality & Ego


EcoT 702

Archetypes, Allies & Ancestors: Embracing the Mythic Self


EcoT 703

Certification Level III



The Integral Self I: Reinventing the Human


EcoT 801

The Integral Self II: Integrating the Shadow


EcoT 802

The Integral Self III: Integrating Body, Heart & Mind


EcoT 803

Counseling & Coaching: The Basics  (Students in other tracts may substitute appropriate courses for this course)


EcoT 804